Supporting and Raising Money for Chimps
19th August 2015
We love an ape we do! Having been lucky enough to witness chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, baboons and all kinds of primates in the wild first hand, I was delighted to be able to add this wonderful silver chimp necklace to our collection.
But I didn’t want to leave it there. Having been chimpanzee tracking in Kibale National Park Uganda and gorilla trekking in the Rwandan mountains, my eyes were opened to the plight affecting these animals.
“Just a century ago, more than 1 million chimpanzees roamed the African forests. Today, scientists figure there are perhaps as few as 200,000 chimpanzees left.”
Reasons for their decline are varied but include habitat loss, illegal bushmeat and exotic pet trades, armed conflict, as well as infectious disease. There are other factors too. Bushmeat orphans. Often the infants, too small to be taken for bushmeat, are sold on the black market as pets or entertainers.
We came across The Jane Goodall Institute as a charity who continually supports chimps in the wild through research, rescue, sanctuary, rehabilitation, community development and education. The work they have done for Chimps over the last 50 years is inspiring. As a result we have decided to pledge 100% of profits from the sales of our silver chimp necklace to the charity, to support them in their continuing efforts to save this species from further decline and suffering.
If you would like to read more about the work The Jane Goodall Institute does for the conservation of chimps, visit their website here ยป
If you love chimps, monkeys and primates as much as we do, or know someone who does, you can help us support them by wearing this adorable silver chimp necklace with pride.